Programs and Services
Senior Centers
Social isolation and loneliness are major health factor impacting seniors. We operate five senior centers in the counties we serve. These centers are a hub for activities helping seniors stay active and involved in their community. Whatever the interest, Health & Fitness, Computer Skills, Arts & Crafts, Nutrition Education, Entertainment, or Travel, our senior centers have the programs. Two thousand, eight hundred seniors visit our centers every year.
Having a nutritious meal in a social setting is an important part of a senior’s day. Our senior centers serve meals and ask only a small contribution to the cost from those who can afford it.
Many seniors can’t get out to shop or prepare their own meals. Our Meals-On- Wheels program delivers meals to homebound seniors. Each week our volunteers deliver 1,461 meals in the counties we serve. In some cases, our volunteer is the only physical contact the senior has with the outside world.
Senior Care
The primary goal of the Senior Care Program is to provide services that will support aging in place, keeping seniors living in their own home, and at a lower cost than a long-term care facility.
Services vary according to need, but may include personal care, light housekeeping chores, and emergency response systems, such as case management services.
Public Guardianship
This program provides guardianship of person to protect and advocate on behalf of older adults who are deemed by a circuit court to lack the capacity to communicate responsible decisions concerning their daily living needs. We act on their behalf when there are no relatives or friends to assume these responsibilities.
State Health Insurance Program
Health insurance is a complicated subject for anyone, including seniors. We provide confidential assistance for older adults and adults with disabilities on Medicare about their health insurance options. Services include, one-on-one counseling, information, and group seminars on Medicare & Medigap insurance programs, private health insurance issues, and long-term care insurance.
Maryland Access Point
MAP is a one-stop source of information and assistance for family members, caregivers, disabled adults, and seniors, which helps them navigate through the maze of long-term care services and links them with local and state programs. The goal is to help the individual safely remain in the community and plan for future needs.
Senior Medicare Patrol
Medicare fraud and abuse are serious issues for our national healthcare system. Our staff and volunteers educate clients about these programs and how to read and understand provider statements. The goal is that with better consumer understanding, incidents of fraud and abuse can be identified and reported.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Our Ombudsman investigates and resolves complaints of elder abuse and neglect in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living facilities. The Ombudsman’s goal is to protect the safety, welfare, and rights of seniors residing in long-term care facilities, advocating on their behalf.
​The Upper Shore Clarion
The Clarion is a monthly newsletter providing information about activities in our Senior Centers, our other services, and important information of interest to seniors. The Clarion reaches 402 seniors.
Senior Legal Assistance
Upper Shore Aging funds support through the Legal Aide Bureau of Maryland for seniors needing and unable to afford legal assistance. They provide legal advice, counseling and representation to older Marylanders. Priority is given to cases such as eviction, protective service, utilities, consumer protection, employment, and age discrimination.
We refer senior with housing needs to our sister agency, Upper Shore Aging Housing Corporation. Their low-cost apartment rental program provides 202 rental units in the communities they serve. The goal is to ensure that all of their tenants live in safe and sanitary conditions, and have a comfortable and secure lifestyle in their community.
Senior Assisted Living Subsidy
For low and moderate-income seniors, the Senior Assisted Living Subsidy program provides access to participating assisted living facilities. The Assisted Living subsidies on behalf of eligible residents who are unable to afford the cost of assisted living and might otherwise be in nursing facilities.
Supports Planning Service
This program provides case management services for Medicaid eligible seniors to receive home or community-based services allowing them to remain safely in their homes. Services might include, Nurse Monitoring, Personal Care, and emergency monitoring systems.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
This program promotes senior health and fitness. We provide health screenings, nutrition screenings, physical fitness/group exercise programs, and nutrition programs at our senior centers and community events.
Family Caregiver Support Program
Upper Shore Aging offers services to provide respite for family members caring for an elderly relative or grandparents caring for grandchildren in their home. Typically, this is by providing funds for a caregiver for a brief period or toward enrollment in a summer camp program. We also host caregiver support groups where caregivers can interact with other family caregivers and share experiences.
Upper Shore Aging partners with Delmarva Community Transit to provide transportation to our senior centers. We also offer monthly bus passes for eligible seniors to come to the centers or for other appointments.
Shopping for Seniors
For seniors in Kent county who unable to shop for themselves, we offer a shopping service. An Upper Shore aging staff person does personal shopping and makes deliveries to the client’s home.