Call to Action
Upper Shore Aging, Inc. encourages elders and those who support them to communicate with local, state and federal elected officials to advocate for adequate resources for programs and services that benefit seniors.
Contacting elected representatives is easy! To access your state legislators, simply click on the e-mail addresses highlighted below and send an e-mail message. To reach your county officials, visit our Links page to send an e-mail message. Otherwise, consider sending an old fashioned letter using the information below.
Please tell your elected officials how important you feel Upper Shore Aging, Inc.'s programs and services are to the older citizens of your county.
Sen. Stephen S. Hershey, Jr. (R), District 36
James Senate Office Building, Room 420
11 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3639
e-mail: steve.hershey@house.state.md.us
Del. Steven J. Arentz (R), District 36
House Office Building, Room 308
6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3543
e-mail: steven.arentz@house.state.md.us
Del. Jefferson L. Ghrist (R), District 36
House Office Building, Room 430
6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3555
e-mail: jeff.ghrist@house.state.md.us
Del. Jay A. Jacobs (R), District 36
House Office Building, Room 321
6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3449
e-mail: jay.jacobs@house.state.md.us
Note: Part of Caroline County lies in District 36, and thus is served by the same legislators as Kent County (see above). The rest of Caroline County comprises part of District 37, along with Talbot County, and is represented by the following legislators:
Sen. Adelaide C. Eckardt (R), District 37
James Senate Office Building, Room 322
11 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3590
e-mail: adelaide.eckardt@senate.state.md.us
Del. Christopher T. Adams (R), District 37B
House Office Building, Room 426
6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3343
e-mail: christopher.adams@house.state.md.us
Del. John F. Mautz IV (R), District 37B
House Office Building, Room 424
6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3429
e-mail: johnny.mautz@house.state.md.us